sunday boost: energy in, energy out
July 21st, 2019
My one tip for this week: make a mental list of what energizes you and what replenishes you. In my experience, knowing what these two things look like in your life can make the difference between thriving vs. burning-out.
My one tip for this week: make a mental list of what energizes you and what replenishes you.
In my experience, knowing what these two things look like in your life can make the difference between thriving vs. burning-out.
There’s an energy exchange that underlies almost all of our interactions with one another — sometimes we’re giving and sometimes we’re receiving. We need both in order to feel sustained.
And being clear about what nourishes and what energizes us is critical.
For me, I feel energized when I feel that I’m being of service. Whether it’s how I show up for my clients, how I listen to my husband or how I love my parents, when I’m giving of myself in a way where I feel genuinely fulfilled and of use, I feel energized. But, then I need to refill myself by getting support. I get support by asking for help from close friends, by investing in myself with my coach, yoga membership and good quality produce.
If I give too much service without getting support, I feel depleted. If I get too much support without giving back, I feel too full.
They both work together.
What are you doing to be of service today?
And what supports are you feeding yourself with?