Mindful tips, practices &wisdom from Natalie
June 2018 - September 2019

Uncovering mine + other's truths

Weekend Boost: In her own words, The MoMentum of Jen

Monday Boost: Why asking is the new giving...for me

My common bond with Canada's most recent tennis superstar

Monday Boost: Why duty is underrated

Monday Boost: Fall reboot, reread + listen

My radical act of silence

What's your tendency? Here are FOUR to choose from.

Coming back to CBC Radio, 15 years later

Sunday Boost: Energy In, Energy Out

Why I do the things I don't want to do

Sunday Boost: One tip to sail through the week

Something no overachiever wants to say: Burn Out

Are you in ebb or flow...and why it's good to know

Introducing the MoMentum Marketplace

What was your Peak Moment?

Are you underestimating your actions?

Facing your perfectionism

Tool. Tip. (Re)Treat.

Why we need to get over the yuck of self-promotion

How to Rediscover Mojo

How to Ask for What you Want

Why I don't wait until I feel ready

Why I'm offering a free workshop on how to plan your day

A tale about tears + truth

Why I'm bragging about my 2018

If you don't have time to read this then...

Let's talk about failure


Stop apologizing

What inspires you?

Insanity for Sanity

Tips to override the September Slump

Starting off on the right foot...

Why I see myself as a leader today

Save time by making time

This Tuesday 14th August, what are your plans?

No more Dress Rehearsals

Moms, have you forgotten to put your own oxygen mask on first?