tips to override the september slump
September 21st, 2018
That's the word that comes to mind when I think about the last few weeks. Back to school, back to work, back to reality. Intense.
That's the word that comes to mind when I think about the last few weeks. Back to school, back to work, back to reality. Intense.
I've made it a daily habit to pause and step back from my day. And what I'm noticing is that this time of year begs for a little creativity, play and spontaneity!
On creativity + play...
Instead of over-structuring our two young sons' mornings and rushing from activity to activity, we gave them time to just play and be creative.
Exhibit A:
On spontaneity...
This was a big week for me with the launch of The MoMentum Talks.
It was an exciting milestone for my business and a very empowering experience for those who attended.
Exhibit B:
The day after, the overachiever in me felt like I needed to keep going but I knew that my tank was nearly empty.
I stopped to check-in with what was going on and realized how much self-judgment and fear I had around taking a break. Because I took a moment to check in, I was able to get clear about what I really needed: to go slow, not over-plan and savour what I had achieved the night before.
Otherwise, I would be engaging in my usual response: a demoralizing doy of OD'g on Netflix and chocolate.
This time around, I headed to our local coffee spot to surprise my husband who was hanging out there. We looked through some of the photos from the night before and just had an unplanned morning date. It was fun and I felt energized by the experience.
How do you want to show up in your life?
Come answer this question for YOU this Monday at The MoMentum Workshop.
This Monday, Sept 24 at 7.30pm, I'm offering The MoMentum Workshop: a two-hour empowering experience at a beautiful spot in the Annex for moms who are motivated to get proactive with their work and life.
Join myself and a group of inspiring moms: we will press the pause button, practice mindful tools and gain clarity around our priorities and how to carry them out in a sustainable way.
Email me directly at to register.
Are you ready to make a change?
The MoMentum Coaching program launches this October 8th.
Do you want to be showing up more fully, as the capable woman your know you are? Are you longing to see yourself achieving incredible results in work and life? The MoMentum Coaching program will get you there!
Get the tools, accountability and support you know you need to thrive and not just survive. The program starts up on Monday October 8th.
Get fired up and book a free coaching call with me - I can't wait to hear from you!!