emerging from the cave
is this a race?
out with the old stress
in with the new busyness
unless there's another way to be, to experience this one life
our time in the Covid cave taught us
to treasure the simpler, the slower, the still
shadows on the cave wall reminded us
of a busyness from life before
that we’d be better off leaving behind
now only a few breaths out of the cave
and we're slaves again to that shadow life we swore we would shed
can you feel your mind racing, chest tight, breath shallow?
Is this suffering necessary?
The body carries an unconscious wisdom
and whispers unpleasant warnings to the body first
how long must we carry on in dis-ease, ignoring the whispers?
let’s take this emergence from cave life as a chance to move past suffering
for us, for children, our planet
the busier, the more, the rushing - no one of us is immune to the race
but we might try a deeper exhale, a longer hug, one less email
for the sake of knowing that stillness we came to treasure
a few words on THIS MOMENT