the procrastination Rx

Why I believe in the time-saving magic of procrastination lists

It’s time. 
To get honest.  
About what you’re avoiding.
And, you likely already know what it is.
So…the sooner you name it, the sooner you’ll find relief.

It’s like that operating system running in the background of your computer, wasting your battery power, causing the keyboard to overheat and the fan to start running.
But you’re already too immersed in the other windows you have open, too daunted by how much time/energy will be required to address this background issue.  
So you carry on in your computer overheating, fan-churning, battery-draining subpar way.

Why do we avoid dealing with the things which drain us?

And, more importantly, how do we move beyond the vicious cycle of wastefully using up the much-coveted energy which we all lament not having enough of?

There is a SOLUTION!

There sometimes comes a point in my sessions with certain clients where I have to call them out on their BS.  This is definitely the case with clients who have an “avoider” saboteur in their overall operating system (which almost all of us do, in certain areas).

We must begin by (gently) calling ourselves out on our BS.  
We need to name, list and own the things which we are avoiding.  
Ahhh…can’t you already feel the relief in taking this first step?

FIVE STEPS for relief from your procrastination

1. Write down all the things 

Write out all those brain-churning, battery-draining items which you don’t want to deal with.  Get it ALL down on paper.  Enjoy the experience of moving the multitude of items from the terrible storage system which is our brain onto the wide open single expanse of a page.

2. Connect with your right brain

Do a right brain exercise to connect with abundance, ease and flow.

Sign-Up for one of my upcoming events to get the support and tools so that you can access greater ease and flow in all the areas of life (particularly in those you avoid.) 

3. Make an intention list 

List five things you DO want more space and energy for.

Connect with this intention list from that right brain place.  Imagine yourself - with all your senses - living with those five priority items in your life.  In this imagining exercise, visualize that you’ve made space for those priorities because you’ve cleared out the draining background operating systems.

4. Pecking Order

Number the top five items on the procrastination list which you’d feel the most relief to address.

5. Commit 

Select the first three you’re willing to tackle and ask a close friend/spouse/colleague to keep you accountable by reminding you about it in a week.

There is a solution…

As we move into this final month of the year, let’s do it with the right intention and mindset to thrive, not just survive. Let’s all bring clarity and focus to the parts of 2022 which needed wrapping up - last minute bills, delayed health appts, vacation plans - so that we can move into 2023 with a sense of ease and flow.  

There is a beautiful and bright frontier on the other side of procrastination.  

Let me take you there!

SIGN UP for my December Workshop or book a Complimentary Coaching Consult HERE.


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