What attraction rather than promotion means


For the last few mornings, I have been doing a morning practice where I repeat the phrase: “I love and support myself.” The spirit of this practice ties into an intention I’m owning for myself this year: Attraction rather than promotion. It’s a slogan I learned from a circle I’ve been part of for nearly 20 years.  Attraction rather than promotion helps me deepen my connection with something greater than my own striving and it moves me beyond habits which have kept me living in a limited and low-vibe way. 

Since launching my business in the summer of 2018, the guidance I received from various business growth experts was often about promotion and selling.  I learned about online marketing, sales funnels, and social media campaigns.  This desire for selling took me to the dopamine part of my brain which was all about external validation and instant gratification.  With all this fixation on scaling my business through promotion, something felt unaligned and even toxic.  My meditation and mindfulness practice of nearly two decades had helped me release rigid and impossible ideas about success and striving, yet here I felt pulled right back into equating my self-worth with status.  

I love and support myself.  

When I connect with this phrase, I become clear first about what my work needs to be for myself.  Then, through attraction rather than promotion, I can move into supporting others in a way which feels authentic and alive for me. 

This year, I’m focusing on evolving my old ideas of success.  I’m curious to learn what deep success feels like - beyond status, earning and achievement and beyond how busy and in-demand I am.  Up until this pandemic struck, it’s becoming clear to me that my identity was my success.  It’s a radical step for someone like me, where overachieving is embedded in my DNA, to become willing to explore an identity beyond these old forms of achievement.  But, as I continue to tune into a deeper place of knowing and wisdom inside, I feel myself rewiring that DNA and discovering a deeper and more fulfilling purpose and path.

I want to help you love and support yourself.

It takes a village.

I can’t do it alone.  I have many amazing supports in my life who help me learn, grow and heal.  I’ve shared their names, info and offerings below.

Jen Birenbaum: Jen is a deeply intuitive yoga teacher and reiki healer and my partner for the Elements of Ritual set. Jen walks and talks self-care, even with four young kids at home. Tonight, Jen starts a four-week series to support you through ritual. This offering is for those who purchased our Elements of Ritual set but there are options if you don’t have the set. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

Karen Jones: Karen is a brilliant writer and consultant who has helped me find my own voice and design my business offerings. She brings her experience as a facilitator of both writing and arts programs. Karen offers powerful and healing workshops to help sharpen your writing skills and experience deep self-inquiry while doing so. Karen also offers one-on-one work.

Scott Davis: Scott is a practitioner of Eastern Medicine, a movement therapist, yoga teacher, health educator, who is deeply committed to helping others feel better. Scott’s services can be claimed as Acupuncture through your health plan. He has been pivotal in my overall health and healing.

Diane Imabeppu: Diane is a Registered Occupational Therapist, Integrative Health Practitioner, Mystic, Storyteller, Conscious Parent, Highly Sensitive Person, Student of Life. Diane has been extremely helpful for me over the last year with parenting and with my own emotional and spiritual challenges through this pandemic.


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What we need right now: revisioning success 1.0