a tale about TEARS + trutH
January 18th, 2019
Last January around this time, I found myself sobbing on my coach’s couch.
Last January around this time, I found myself sobbing on my coach’s couch.
I had just left what I had hoped would be the perfect new corporate job. I wasn’t seeing my kids enough, wasn’t sleeping nearly enough...the seemingly right role was the wrong fit. And I knew what wrong felt like - seven years earlier, in a different corporate job, I hit rock bottom with workplace burnout and vowed never to get sucked back in again.
But, here I was again. My supportive husband, who knows how capable I am when I’m inspired, read me the riot act: Nat, you’re done with this job. I’m done with you in this job. I was emotionally unavailable and a faint outline of my usual energetic self.
In the second week of January 2018, after leaving the job on a high note, I went to see my coach. Together, we would map out my next job, I resolved. Midway through our session, she asked me what I find most inspiring.
A flood of tears poured out.
What’s this about? she asked, gently.
I want to write, I want to interview interesting people, I want to create inspiring experiences for people to step into their full potential.
More tears.
And, why is this making you cry? she leaned in, intrigued.
Because, I thought I shut the door on this. Because, it’s only going to make life harder. And, because, now I know I must do this. I don’t have a choice.
I remember my undergrad Can Lit teacher quoting Leonard Cohen’s words, which echoed in that moment: “I must write. I don’t have a choice.” Sometimes uttering the truth is the crack that lets the light in - another famous Cohen phrase.
The light that came in for me after that burst of truth was this: who says you can’t earn a good living writing, interviewing and bringing people together?
And, that’s why I decided to write this note to you...because telling my truth helped me step into a part of me which I’d been depriving myself of for my entire working life. Today, I am earning a living because I owned my truth and, cue the cliche, so can you.
Within a week of that powerful awakening, I committed to earning a living doing what I love. Full stop. I took my first “risk” by signing up for a coaching program to support me launching my business. It felt like a huge financial investment but a friend had just fast tracked her own business launch with the support of a coaching program and I knew that the financial ache of that commitment would bring me the accountability I needed.
And it has.
Within a few weeks of starting that coaching program, I mapped out what I wanted to create and I built action and accountability around that vision.
I would start to write and publish again.
I would host workshops and a one-day retreat for other working moms.
I would lead a coaching program for working moms and,
I would speak publicly about mindfulness and authentic leadership.
Within a year, I have accomplished all of this.
I’m now a Contributor with CBC Parents, I speak with corporate groups about mindfulness, I run a successful and inspiring online coaching program for working moms called The MoMentum and, in addition to leading at least half a dozen workshops since the spring, I ran a full day retreat this past week at The Brickworks for sixteen trailblazing women, who also happen to be moms.
See below for the retreat images, beautiful captured by documentary photographer, Melanie Gordon, and words from participants
Photo by Melanie Gordon
“I feel transformed,”
“Everything makes sense since the retreat and it clicked over the weekend,”
“I uncovered for myself what I’ve known deep down for a long time,”
“My husband said I looked more relaxed than I had in years.”
Photo by Melanie Gordon
“I’m turning 40 this year and I’m not going to wait another year to get the support I need,”
“I woke up Saturday with such a sense of peace,”
“I look in the mirror differently and accept my wrinkles.”
Photo by Melanie Gordon
Is what I’m sharing resonating with you? Are you ready to see how working with a coach can help? If you’re intrigued, write me at natalie@themomentum.info
Don’t let your “what ifs” get in the way.
Let’s set up a free phone consult to get talking about what you desire most for yourself this year.
Photo by Melanie Gordon
And, if you long to feel more productive and fulfilled at the end of your day, I’m leading a free, one-hour online workshop in just over one week:
Purposeful Planning to Plan Purposefully
I’ll be sharing the most powerful tool I’ve integrated in my day to feel more productive, purposeful and calm. Join me to learn effective tools to bring greater focus, calm and productivity to your day.
Register for the Monday Jan 29th evening workshop at 8.30pm ET or the Tuesday January 30th lunchtime workshop at 12.30pm ET.
Want to sign up? Email workshops@themomentum.info