December 21st, 2018
I’ve been reviewing my 2018 and I’m pretty proud of myself. I made some good s#*% happen. I bet you did too. So are you giving yourself license to brag?
If that question makes you uncomfortable — great! Growth IS uncomfortable.
If you want to change your life, your career, your world — it’s time to get a bit comfortable with discomfort. And, it’s time to begin noticing where you’ve experienced growth. Take it from Michelle Obama: whether you come from a council estate or a country estate, your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.
In the spirit of a little benevolent bragging, and to help you closet change makers out there see that change IS possible…
I offer you my THREE WINS quiz for 2018:
Why was I able to charge my full value with clients and gain more business in doing so?
How did I stop questioning my capacity to be successful?
Why do I see myself as a leader today?
I set a financial goal, felt my sense of worth grow exponentially and began attracting the clients I felt most inspired to work with.
I created a mantra about my own success and repeated it daily.
I rewrote my definition of leadership to include authentic introverts like myself and now I see how I’m a change maker.
Are you a (closet) change maker?
If you’re a working mom who wants to see change in your life, your work, your world…I can help you get there.
If you’ve been trying on your own and you want to get results beyond what you’re getting, I have the coaching program and community of likeminded mom change makers to get you there.
If you want to be part of something that will rock your 2019 and you’re ready to see change in your life, I really want to hear from you!