monday boost: fall reboot, reread + listen
August 26th, 2019
The only thing better than discovering a new book with a powerful message is remembering to reach for that book when I need to be reminded of its message.
Melanie Gordon Photography
For this week’s Monday Boost:
A parenting book. a spirit boost book. a podcast.
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen: Our boys are entering an era of sibling spats and this book is my secret training manual on how to referee the seemingly unending battles.
How to Talk so Kids will Listen & Listen so Kids will Talk
Poetic Inspiration: Embers. I pick up this book, open it up to wherever my fingers guide and soak in whatever the page wants me to heed in that moment.
Embers by Richard Wagamese
How I Built This: James Dyson. This podcast features compelling stories of entrepreneurs and this latest one about the Dyson inventor left me with energy to persevere…in spite of.
How I Built This with Guy Raz - James Dyson