releasing the pressure
three legs of the stool
Most days, I wake up with a pressure inside of me.
Shallow breaths, tight chest, tired brain.
Moments after my alarm goes off, this pressure tells me I’ve already failed the day.
If I pause long enough, I notice a mix of excitement for what lies ahead and fear of failing it.
I've been thinking about this theme of pressure leading up to my next episode release, which drops this Tuesday morning. In this episode, I speak with my former CBC colleague, Garvia Bailey, who shares about the art of owning our full essence without apologizing for it.
Garvia is a multi-award winning journalist and cofounder of Media Girlfriends, a production company which aims to amplify underrepresented voices in media. For years, Garvia struggled with a pressure to achieve a certain model of success she felt was expected of her. Garvia talks about how she released that pressure, especially in friendships which no longer served her. Towards the end of our conversation, Garvia shares a wonderful nugget of wisdom from her mother about how to “release” friendships. It’s a radical concept and, even though I’m not there yet, I’ve thought about it most days since we spoke. You can follow or subscribe to my podcast here and be the first to receive Garvia’s episode when it drops Tuesday morning.
It’s uncomfortable to share publicly about how I (how we?) struggle with pressure.
I know that you know this but I’m still going to say it because I need the reminder: I’m afraid that being vulnerable about my struggles diminishes my worth. Yet, Garvia shares vulnerability with such grace that I can’t help but try to do the same here with you, by sharing about the pressure I still encounter most days.
As I evolve my unconscious success messaging into something more sustainable, I’m giving myself permission to share openly about the pressures I still experience.
And I’m lifting up the curtain to show you how I’m evolving the unproductive patterning.
In short: it’s all about: 1) daily mindset practice, 2) accountability, and 3) community.
These three pillars are like legs of a chair which keep me steady through the day. When I feel wonky, I can check-in and ask myself which leg is wobbly and needs tightening. It’s a simple, elegant and effective design which I’ve studied and refined over the last 20 years. In addition to my own life, I’ve helped hundreds integrate this powerful way of being and living into their lives…leading to substantial and sustainable new results.
And now, I’m sharing this transformative system with you, in the form of a Transformative 3-month Group Coaching Journey called Success Of Your Own. Everything kicks off in a few weeks and I’m more inspired than ever to get started!
If you feel called to create a success of your own, I’d love to help get you there.
All details are here and registration is OPEN!