monday boost: why asking is the new giving… for me
September 16th, 2019
“Asking for help with shame says: You have the power over me. Asking with condescension says:
I have the power over you. But asking for help with gratitude says: We have the power to help each other.” ― Amanda Palmer, The Art of Asking; or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let People Help
“Asking for help with shame says:
You have the power over me.
Asking with condescension says:
I have the power over you.
But asking for help with gratitude says:
We have the power to help each other.”
― Amanda Palmer, The Art of Asking; or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let People Help
Where in life might you holding back from asking for what you want?
Are you holding back out of shame or, out of fear that you will be perceived in a negative light?
Over the last few weeks, I’ve done a lot of asking.
The business mentors and coaches I’ve consulted as I grow The MoMentum community all say the same thing: you need to get your message out to more people. In order to do so, they say, you need to reach out to your current network and ask.
ASK: for guidance, for resources, for financial support, for sponsorship, for partnership, for exposure.
Yikes! This was all very new and uncomfortable for me… at first. But, the more I connected with my intention behind the ask - to support high achieving moms like me, to bring inspiration and hope to others - the less uncomfortable I felt.
In the end, the outcome of my asking ended up helping others.
Here are two examples of how asking ended up giving
On Thurs Sept 12, I was a guest on CBC Radio’s Here & Now to share tips for high-achieving moms to Breakthrough Burnout. My client, a mom of two and high-achieving lawyer who now counts mindfulness as a core tool in her life, joined me for the interview. Here I am with Lindsay before our live radio appearance.
2. A few weeks back during our program retreat, I asked clients of The MoMentum to speak openly and vulnerably in this video below about the impact of The MoMentum Coaching Program in their lives.
In both cases, the outcomes were remarkable and transformative.
I was able to reach new audiences and provide hope and tools to others - all as a result of my getting out of my comfort zone.
In holding back, you may be holding others back from something they need from you