my common bond with canada’s most recent tennis superstar
September 9th, 2019
I have a secret to tell you….
I share something intimate and personal with Bianca Andreescu - something which I’ve always felt a little bit vulnerable to speak about publicly: Visualizing.
I have a secret to tell you….
I share something intimate and personal with Bianca Andreescu - something which I’ve always felt a little bit vulnerable to speak about publicly: Visualizing.
There’s been a common thread running through much of the news coverage around Andreescu’s massive victory over Serena Williams for the 2019 Women’s US Open title: Andreescu visualized herself into that win. A seasoned meditator, she regularly (every day) visualized the outcome she wanted. In her post-win press conference, she broke into tears of awe as she spoke about how visualization actually works.
Yes, Bianca, it does.
For me, visualization is an undeniable factor which has led me to achieve in ways far beyond what I ever imagined possible. It seems like “wishful thinking,” you might say. And, even though there are now scientific studies to support the correlation between visualizations and success, personal experience doing the practice is really all the evidence one needs. It. Truly. Works.
So, thank you Bianca for empowering me to share the wonder of visualizing - and holding nothing back.
I’ll shout it from the highest mountain: this sh&% works!
Here’s the myth: if we think constantly about what we don’t want to happen, we’ll prevent it from happening.
Here’s the truth: spend more time thinking about what you DO want to happen and you’ll greatly increase the odds of getting the outcome you desire. Just ask my girl Bianca.
Interested in learning how you can start visualizing yourself into new results in your life, work and relationships?
Then let’s talk.